Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sun, sun, go away.

I wish I could start posting more pictures like the ice cube down there.

Why? Why must it be so miserably hot here? Even now in my bedroom at 11:37pm, it is 90+ degrees inside the house. I'm sure it would be a lot cooler outside! Granted, during the day, stepping outside for any length of time was suicide. It has been well over 100 degrees every single day for quite some time now. It wouldn't be so bad if the humidity wasn't stuck at 100%!

It's as if God has made Florida His little stove. Perfect plan. We do have a PANhandle. Okay. That was a terrible, terrible pun and I apologies to all who read it. It's a quarter to midnight and I'm sweating like a pig. It does things to the brain.

Somehow I must cool myself down before I go to bed. I can't sleep when it's sweltering in my own bedroom. I suppose I could turn the air on, but that would warrant the wrath of my parents.

That is all. Carry on.

1 comment:

Daddy Cool said...

Aaaww, poor Mark.
Want me to send you some icecubes buddy?? I can mail em to ya ;)
Thankfully I´m cool...Daddy Cool :)
Turn the air on m8 and tell your parents that I said so.