Tuesday, August 21, 2007

So hot

Another scorcher today. I made the mistake of taking a walk around the neighborhood just a few minutes ago. Less than a fourth of the way around and I was drenched in sweat and my skin was literally boiling. For the third straight day we set a record high for temperatures. For the last month or so, every single day has hit over 100 degrees. Will it never end?! Blast you, global warming!

Actually, it's not global warming. It's just living in the wrong spot during the summer. Florida gets hot. Very hot. All this global warming stuff, while a threat, is not doing much of anything right now. Sure, it might have inconvenienced a few penguins in Antarctica, but aside from that... where is it?

Funny how everyone is complaining about gool ol' GW - Global Warming, not George W. (Bush) -, but the winters are actually getting a lot colder lately. Sure, it's hot in the summer, but it's hot everywhere during the summer! That's nature. That's life. That's a result of living just 93 million miles from a ball of superheated, burning gas.

Oh, well. Summer will be over soon! In the meantime, maybe I should take a trip to that Ice Hotel I wrote about earlier.


Daddy Cool said...

Hehe, I´m sorry buddy...the ice hotel won´t be up until winter...doh ;)
Funny thing is...I live in Sweden but I favor warm weather...and here I am...living in a country with 9 months of winter...polarbears all over (not true, but it sounds cool)...bah...and this summer was poor.
Got room for a crazy swede buddy ;)

Mark N said...

I think we were born in the wrong country.