Monday, August 27, 2007


Well, I didn't post a picture in my last blog, but I'm going to make up for by posting three this time!

This is my neighbor's yard. A friend of ours from church has been hired to clean all of this mess up and I decided to give him a hand today. As you can see, it was no small job. I suffered my fair share of scrapes, cuts, and bruises getting it all picked up and loaded into our friend's trailer. This picture was just the side of the house. The back yard was even worse!

This was part of the backyard. I'm not even sure what was in this pile. In fact, we haven't touched it yet. I'm scared to venture into that project. lol I think there's a mix of wood, branches, metal, carpet, and a number of other unidentifiable objects. Yes, I said carpet. Our neighbor had carpet laid out all over her backyard. I think she laid it down as weed prevention or something. It was a stupid idea and a pain in the butt to pull up.

This wasn't a bad pile. Just a few branches and leaves and whatnot. The whole project itself wasn't too horrible, but the heat made it bad. It's almost 100 degrees in the sunlight, so it kills you quite fast. Even better, one of the sets of plants in the front yard was extremely deadly if you would touch it and then forget and stick your hand finger in your mouth or something. I did suck on my thumb a bit after I got a thorn through it, but I didn't touch the plant, so that's a plus. I shouldn't die.

That's all for now! I'll write again later!


Daddy Cool said...

Holy mother in that´s a lot of crap.
Watch your back buddy...I think I saw a glimpse of 'Bigfoot' hiding somewhere in the garbage ;)

Oh...if you are lucky you might find a house there too :)

Anonymous said...

Tell Suki not to wait that long to clean up her crap next time, lol.