Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Kent - Berg O Dalvana

(There is some controversy over the title. I have seen both Dalvana and Dalbana. Perhaps someone could correct me.)

På vägen tvättas spåren bort
en olycka blir minnen blott
Rusningstid strax innan Jul
så glömmer nån ett varningsljus

När Jag blir grå
När Jag faller
Orkar Du för två?
När idag blir igår
Kommer Du att älska mig

En gammal sång får en helt ny text
en äcklig röst som billig sex
& Jag har inga vänner kvar
Visst är livet underbart

När Jag blir grå
När Jag faller
Orkar Du för två?
När idag blir igår
Kommer Du att älska mig

Det spelar ingen roll
om Du håller mig hårt
Ingen kommer att
minnas om 100 år
Jag är rädd att man glömmer
glömmer allt
Som vi glömde att vi
älskade varandra

Håll ut Jag behöver dig
Håll ut Jag behöver dig
Håll ut Jag behöver dig
Håll ut Stå ut med mig

Stå ut med mig
Jag behöver dig
Jag behöver dig
Stå ut med mig
Jag behöver dig
Jag ... dig
Stå ut med mig
Jag behöver dig
Stå ut med mig
Jag behöver dig


Anonymous said...

Hi again!

Berg O Dalbana means rollercoaster, but they’ve had a bit of a play with the words. Vana means habit or getting used to something. So the title can be seen as: Used to ups and downs. Well, that’s my guess anyway :p

I will make an attempt on translating the lyrics for you as well:

The tracks on the roads are washed away
an accident is forgotten
Rush hour just before Christmas
someone forgets the warning lights

When I become grey
When I’m falling
Will you cope for both of us?
When today becomes yesterday
Will you love me

An old song gets a whole new text
a digusting voice like cheap sex
and I have no friends left
Ain’t life wonderful

When I become grey
When I’m falling
Will you cope for both of us?
When today becomes yesterday
Will you love me

It doesn’t matter
if you hold me tight
No one will
remember in 100 years
I’m afraid everyone will forget
forget everything
Like we forgot that
we loved each other

Hold out I need you
Hold out I need you
Hold out I need you
Hold out put up with me

Put up with me
I need you
I need you
Put up with me
I need you
I … you
Put up with me
I need you
Put up with me
I need you

Hopefully that wasn’t too battered by swenglish expressions and mis-types :p

Have a nice continuous day!


Mark N said...

See now, this is why it's great to have friendly Swedish people around. They translate things! The more they translate, the more I can learn the language at my own snail-like pace.

I greatly appreciate the translation, Dufva. I truly do. Ya know, Janne (Daddy Cool) didn't translate anything for me. (hint hint :P)

Once again I come to the realization that Kent is perhaps one of the most depressing bands in existence. Where's the rays of sunshine, people?! Would it kill you to crack a smile in your songs? No, I suppose not. I love your music anyway. :)