Friday, March 14, 2008


...And yet I keep coming back to this blog. Despite the fact that I really have nothing to say. Despite the fact that today, like all the rest, contained nothing of any real importance. It is, however, a Friday. That, my friends, is a good thing. This has been a very long week and I am glad the weekend is now finally upon us. It is time to rest and relax. It is time to think about everything that doesn't pertain to work and be happy while doing it.

I got off early on Fridays (I'm home by 2:15pm-2:30pm), which is great, but I've come to the realization that there is NOTHING good on TV during the day time. I'm sorry, but who gives a flip about all of these old shows they show re-runs of? Who cares about talk shows? Who cares about Dr. Freaking Phil, the fat, bald blowhole? I want something with action! I want something to explode in the first 20 seconds of watching it. Otherwise, it's not worth watching. The good news is that there's pizza. Even though there's nothing worth watching on TV, my stomach and taste buds are happy.

That's all you get today. Hej då.


Daddy Cool said...

Haha Mark...dang, you are updating this blog furiously ;)

And Dr. Phil only speaks the obvious truth...or lots of bull...I can live without him.

As for my hockey interest...almost none at all, I only know things about Foppa because he´s in the sports pages every god damn day..injury here....retire there...back on ice...bah....STOP KICKING THE DEAD HORSE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I convinced me mum to order pizza tonight. Woohoo!
What do you mean nothing good is on??!! You can't beat those old "Full House" episodes!

Daddy Cool said...

Oh, I is a treat for you Mark....

Really good translation site, works both ways ;)