Saturday, August 25, 2007

New logo

Not a great picture, but the only one I could find of the new Tampa Bay Lightning logo that was unveiled today at IceFest 2007.

I was not impressed. Granted, there's not a whole lot you can do when your mascot is "Lightning," but I was expecting more of a change. I'm not a fan of the bigger and bolder lightning bolt and the dropping of the word "Lightning" doesn't help its case.

The jersey itself, which I don't have a picture of, is good looking. I forgot my camera as I ran out the door early this morning. Pity. We were too far away to really get a look at the jerseys anyway, but you can see what they look like at

It was an okay trip. I went with my brother and got Jan Hlavac's autograph. We only got his because the lines to the other players were way too long and we didn't stick around long enough to get to the other guys that were coming later in the day. That's alright. There wasn't a whole lot to do there after the unveiling (or before the unveiling for that matter).

It was horribly, horribly hot since most of the events, including the unveiling was outside. I was wearing my autographed hockey jersey, so that didn't help matters.

Oh, well, despite all of that, it was cool to go to and see in person. I just wish they had done more with the logo, but we have to deal with it now, so I might as well a start getting used to it.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Daddy Cool said...

You said it buddy, there is not much to do with a lightning...but it looks good to me.

Hot eh...did´nt I tell you to strip naked??
